DEWALT | SDS Plus Drill Bit 22 x 250mm | DT9602

The new SDS-plus 2 cutter drill bit range is manufactured at the DEWALT dedicated accessories factory in Germany, Bayrische Bohrerwerke G.m.b.H., which produces more than 40 million drill bits every year.To ensure maximum performance, DEWALT drill bits undergo the most rigorous manufacturing and testing procedures (including computer controlled milling) and quality management processes. DEWALT not only produces its own bits, it even designs the machines that make them.DEWALT is a long standing member of Pr?fgemeinschaft Mauerbohrer e. V. (PGM), an internationally recognized organisation that verifies the suitability of drill bits for use in anchor fixing.To test bit life and durability, 1 million holes are drilled into 350 tonnes of concrete each year. If there is any variability in quality, it is detected before the products are delivered to the end user.All drill bits are certified to the latest ISO 9001:200 quality standards.

DEWALT | SDS Plus Drill Bit 22 x 250mm | DT9602

SKU DT9602-QZ Category

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